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Meet The Team


Liliana Faria


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Liliana has been working for STN since 2014. Before accepting the challenge of becoming the General Manager, she was  responsible for the accurateness and completeness of STN's data. 

Captura de ecrã 2020-01-08, às 12.55.2

Ludovic Gey

Product Manager

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Ludovic is responsible for all the features you are able to use on our webpage.  He creates and develops according to the end-user's needs. 


Fun Facts

  • STN was founded in 2005 because its founder never knew when the post office was open

  • STN office is in Funchal - Madeira Island - Portugal

  • We are a multicultural team

  • The team is all under 40

  • We've been together in Lyon, Paris and Lisbon

© STN Europe 

Rua Direita, 35 - Arcadas do Pelourinho 3º F 

9050-022 Funchal

+351 291 643 702



Tel. +351 291 643 702 

Rua Direita 35

Arcadas do Pelourinho 3ºF

9050-450 Funchal

Madeira - Portugal

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